Home > Partner Agency Surplus Foods

Need Help with the Public Feeding Component to your Program?

Non-Profit Community Service Agencies – We appreciate the valuable service you provide to our neighbors in need of food assistance. Our community is much healthier due to your efforts. The Food Bank would like to help you meet the food needs of your clients.

The food banking network has specific requirements for all agencies/church pantries to be able to participate and we all need to continue to adhere to the stricter food safety requirements, sanitation, recall & documentation and reporting requirements. This keeps the food flowing into our County.

We are committed to helping each of you help our neighbors and ask for your cooperation in insuring equal access to food items for each partner agency. It takes all of us to reach the number of folks in need. We do reserve the right to limit quantities in support of all partner agencies.

Hold 501c3 Non-profit status in good standing or certification that you meet that same criteria as a church body
Serve the low-income public at no charge without discrimination
An annual application, self review & a non-refundable $25.00 annual fee (subject to change)
Hold a Food Handler’s Permit (distributes non-perishable food boxes) or a Food Manager’s Certificate or ServeSafe
(prepares food and serves it)
Abide by handling, storage, sanitation and documentation policies and allow on-site reviews

Agency surplus items are 5-19 cents per pound, or what shipping/repacking costs. Other items are below wholesale as we purchase in quantity to pass the savings on to you- if we cannot find items below wholesale, we do not buy them. This is not a fund raiser for us, but a food-raiser for you! Produce available at no cost to programs in good standing; desserts/pastries/meats, non-perishable and some non-food items are available for 5 cents per pound. All products obtained from ECHO, Inc. Food Bank are to be available for clients at no charge to them and will be provided regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, religion, race, veteran’s status, sexual orientation or nation of origin if their income and residency meets requirements. No attendance, no statements of affiliation, no religious, nor political association nor meeting attendance requirement or appearance of such may be placed on recipients for participation in any food programs. Products may NOT be used in fund raising or used in offerings only available to members of certain groups nor may a donation be required.

We appreciate your help in the work of feeding hungry people in our area and look forward to working with you. If you have questions, please call 505-325-8222.