About ECHO Inc.
The Economic Council Helping Others Inc., dba ECHO Inc. has been incorporated since 1967 as a 501-c-3 non-profit. This “Community Action Agency-(CAA)” administers numerous programs throughout the northern half of New Mexico.
Empowering Our Communities to Thrive.
Economic Council Helping Others (ECHO) Inc. of New Mexico serves to provide resources and education to individuals and families on their journey to improve lives.
Accountability, Commitment, Cooperation, Diversity, Integrity, Opportunity
ECHO Inc. offers several types of programs, serving thousands of individuals in San Juan County, New Mexico.
Our programs include:
The Emergency Financial Assistance Program helps individuals with financial emergency situations with the following services:
City of Farmington Utility Assistance
Emergency Rent/Mortgage Assistance
Diaper kits
School Supplies
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Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
CSFP provides monthly food assistance free of charge throughout northern New Mexico if you are 60 years of age or older and meet certain income guidelines.
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Emergency Food Program
The ECHO Food Bank offers three separate programs:
Emergency Food Box Program for individuals
Surplus Foods to Non-Profit Organizations
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP Commodities)
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Aztec, New Mexico Pre-School
The ECHO Aztec Pre-School provides full-service child care, pre-school and Latch Key Programs. These include:
Breakfast, lunch & snacks
Varied pre-school curriculum
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