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ECHO Preschool has been providing affordable child care to the Tri-City area for over 30 years. We have created a caring and safe environment that promotes school readiness for numerous of families in our community. Families who needed affordable child care while on their journey to improve their lives by going to college, securing a job, or working families. This legacy is at jeopardy right now.

While we were able to stay open and provide child care our maximum capacity was reduced by fifty percent! We have changed our classroom settings and upgraded our internet to allow for our school-aged children to set up their laptops to do their online schooling. Our admin and teachers are under stricter guidelines to ensure the health and safety of everyone. New protocols have been put in place that require more cleaning supplies (i.e. hand sanitizer, Lysol spray, and masks) available for staff, kids, and even parents at the check in/out station.

An increase in expenses for important things such as the internet upgrade or PPE required to operate with a declining income has not only our Preschool’s future at risk but our children’s preparation for school readiness. If they have to leave ECHO Preschool they may not be able to get into another daycare (who are under the same state guidelines).

You can continue their school readiness and care in a safe environment with a $75 donation today. Your generosity can make a difference in supporting the preschool during these challenging times for the children there now and in the future when we can open fully.

Together we can empower our community to thrive!

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